Monday, February 11, 2008

Now We're Talking!

The Proto-HUD:

The Mysterious Doorway:

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

In the Lab with Item #7: The HUD

The prototype not the perfection!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Test World Two

Test World Two is now underway. The goals for this world are 1) three distinct areas (Starry Valley, The Mountain Passage, and Monolith Beach) that are connected by specific throughfares, 2) findable items, 3) save points, 4) wandering creatures, 5) battles (turn-based tactical and line), 6) NPC interaction, and 7) a working Heads Up Display. In short, its a very short rpg wherein you take on the role of Starman and test out Ashton V's programming skills ;-)


just what in the hell (I mean World Two) is Starman looking at?