Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The No Frills KISS CE Quick Demo

The Demo only takes you through one session of combat, but each time you play you will face a group of enemies with varying capabilities and strengths. Sometimes you will win easy, sometimes it will be a battle, and sometimes you will face certain destruction!


Best played at 800x600 or 1024x768 resolution (those were the design sizes, but it should scale if choose a larger size). Since this is a no frills demo, your graphics window may hang in blackness for 5-10 seconds while the program charges up. No sound is available on this round. The demo should work on Windows XP/Vista, Linux, and MacOS. Java VM 1.6 or higher is required. Go to http://www.java.com and get it if you don't have it.


Arrow Keys: Menu Navigation
SPACE Bar: Select Menu Item
Esc: Cancel Action, Move Back One Menu, Exit Game from Game Over Screen
F-12: Exit Game From Anywhere


ACTION: Main Menu
-> ATTACK: Physically attack an enemy
-> CAST: Cast Magic
-----> Heal: Single, regain a small amount of HP for one player
-----> Super Heal: All, regain a small amount of HP for all players
-----> Small Fire: Single, damage enemy with fire based magic
-----> Big Shock: All, damage all enemies with lightning based magic
-----> Poison Air: Single, poison an enemy
-> USE: Use Item
-----> Potion: Single, regain 100 HP (you'll need this!)
-----> Ultra Potion: All, regain 100 HP for all party members
-----> Zap Bomb: Single, prevent an enemy from using magic
-----> Neuro Tea: Single, regain 50 MP for a party member
-----> Remedy: Single, recover from all status effects
-----> Sick Bomb: Not implemented
->TALK: Not Implemented Yet
-> GUARD: Not Implemented Yet
-> ESCAPE: Escape from Battle/End Game



Erik Eckhardt said...

It worked for 2 turns then quit. When I retried later at a lower screen resolution, it showed just the initial magic-attack animation and then quit.

Ashton V. said...

Thanks for checking this out!

I've seen a similar problem before on PCs using video cards that aren't up to par. If you care to confirm, open up a command window (if you are using Windows) and type "javaws -viewer" and then change the java settings to make the java console visible. Restart the demo, make it bomb, and then copy/email the log (found on the console window) to me.