Monday, January 7, 2008

The R&R That Turned Into Something Else

The idea to take a small break from 3D modeling and play a decent amount of Final Fantasy VI got thrown way off course due to a power outage that lasted from about an hour after my last post here until about an hour after sundown yesterday. During the time without power, I finished Fianal Fantasy Tactics on PSP (which is one of the best games I've yet played, I think, and which I will give a full critical review to on this blog one day soon), made good progress on Final Fantasy Tactics Advance on Gameboy/DS, started Jeanne D'Arc on PSP, read a significant amount of Neil Gaiman's American Gods, and wrote up a detailed design and event outline for "Monolith World" (the working title of the first actual and whole 3D RPG that I will program using the current technology). So, even though the original plan for R&R was sent aspinning, substantial and satisfying progress was made elsewhere and I feel decent enough about that -- plus it's always exciting to play a bit of Urban Survivalist at home.

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